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  • Zhao, Y., Liu, Q., Sun, L. Z., & Anderson, K. M. (2025). Adjusted inference for multiple testing procedure in group-sequential designs. Biometrical Journal, 67(1), e70020.


  • Anderson, K. M., Zhao, Y., Xiao, N., Ge, J., & Weisman, H. F. (2024). Some group sequential trials from industry over the last 30 years. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 16(3), 281–293.

  • León, L. F., Jemielita, T., Guo, Z., West, R. M., & Anderson, K. M. (2024). Exploratory subgroup identification in the heterogeneous Cox model: A relatively simple procedure. Statistics in Medicine.

  • Zhang, H., Anderson, K. M., Zimmer, Z., Golm, G., Sapre, A., & Ibrahim, J. G. (2024). Prior effective sample size when borrowing on the treatment effect scale. arXiv Preprint arXiv:2404.13366.

  • Zhao, Y., Zhang, Y., & Anderson, K. M. (2024). Group sequential design under non-proportional hazards: Methodologies and examples. In Biostatistics in biopharmaceutical research and development: Clinical trial design, volume 1 (pp. 219–234). Springer.


  • Anderson, K. M., Wan, S., & Zhang, H. (2023). Practical considerations for adaptive design. Biopharmaceutical Report, 30(2), 11–15.

  • Li, Y., Zhang, H., Anderson, K., Li, S., & Zhu, R. (2023). AI in pharma for personalized sequential decision-making: Methods, applications and opportunities. arXiv Preprint arXiv:2311.18725.

  • Lin, R. S., Mukhopadhyay, P., Roychoudhury, S., Anderson, K. M., Hu, T., Huang, B., Leon, L. F., Liao, J. J., Lin, J., Liu, R., Luo, X., Mai, Y., Qin, R., Tatsuoka, K., Wang, Y., Ye, J., Zhu, J., Chen, T.-T., Iacona, R., & Cross-Pharma Non-proportional Hazards Working Group. (2023). Comment on “Non-proportional hazards–an evaluation of the MaxCombo test in cancer clinical trials” by the cross-pharma non-proportional hazards working group. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 15(2), 312–314.

  • Miao, G., Liao, J. J., Yang, J., & Anderson, K. (2023). A gated group sequential design for seamless phase II/III trial with subpopulation selection. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 23(2).

  • Mukhopadhyay, P., Roychoudhury, S., & Anderson, K. M. (2023). The MaxCombo test severely violates the type I error rate—reply. JAMA Oncology, 9(4), 572.

  • Roychoudhury, S., Anderson, K. M., Ye, J., & Mukhopadhyay, P. (2023). Robust design and analysis of clinical trials with nonproportional hazards: A straw man guidance from a cross-pharma working group. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 15(2), 280–294.

  • Zhao, Y., Xiao, N., Anderson, K., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Electronic common technical document submission with analysis using R. Clinical Trials, 20(1), 89–92.

  • Zhao, Y., Zhang, Y., Leon, L., & Anderson, K. M. (2023). Group sequential design under non-proportional hazards. arXiv Preprint arXiv:2312.01723.


  • Anderson, K. M., Guo, Z., Zhao, J., & Sun, L. Z. (2022). A unified framework for weighted parametric group sequential design. Biometrical Journal, 64(7), 1219–1239.

  • Mukhopadhyay, P., Ye, J., Anderson, K. M., Roychoudhury, S., Rubin, E. H., Halabi, S., & Chappell, R. J. (2022). Log-rank test vs MaxCombo and difference in restricted mean survival time tests for comparing survival under nonproportional hazards in immuno-oncology trials: A systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Oncology, 8(9), 1294–1300.


  • Bautista, O., & Anderson, K. (2021). Sample size estimation and power analysis: Time to event data. In Handbook of statistical methods for randomized controlled trials (pp. 275–300). Chapman; Hall/CRC.

  • Chen, T.-Y., Zhao, J., Sun, L., & Anderson, K. M. (2021). Multiplicity for a group sequential trial with biomarker subpopulations. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 101, 106249.


  • León, L. F., Lin, R., & Anderson, K. M. (2020). On weighted log-rank combination tests and companion Cox model estimators. Statistics in Biosciences, 12(2), 225–245.

  • Lin, R. S., Lin, J., Roychoudhury, S., Anderson, K. M., Hu, T., Huang, B., Leon, L. F., Liao, J. J., Liu, R., Luo, X., et al. (2020). Alternative analysis methods for time to event endpoints under nonproportional hazards: A comparative analysis. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 12(2), 187–198.

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  • Wang, S., Ye, S., Anderson, K. M., & Zhang, Y. (2020). r2rtf—an R package to produce Rich Text Format (RTF) tables and figures. PharmaSUG.


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  • Chen, C., Anderson, K., Mehrotra, D. V., Rubin, E. H., & Tse, A. (2018). A 2-in-1 adaptive phase 2/3 design for expedited oncology drug development. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 64, 238–242.

  • Chen, C., Anderson, K., Mehrotra, D. V., Rubin, E. H., & Tse, A. (2018). Designing clinical trials in tumor indications with a positive signal in phase 1. Cancer Research, 78(13_Supplement), 4759–4759.

  • Joseph, R. W., Elassaiss-Schaap, J., Kefford, R., Hwu, W.-J., Wolchok, J. D., Joshua, A. M., Ribas, A., Hodi, F. S., Hamid, O., Robert, C., et al. (2018). Baseline tumor size is an independent prognostic factor for overall survival in patients with melanoma treated with Pembrolizumab. Clinical Cancer Research, 24(20), 4960–4967.

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  • Anderson, K. M. (2014). Group sequential design in R. In Clinical trial biostatistics and biopharmaceutical applications (pp. 179–209). CRC Press New York.

  • Anderson, K. M. (2014). Timing and frequency of interim analyses in confirmatory trials. In Practical considerations for adaptive trial design and implementation (pp. 115–123). Springer.

  • Anderson, K., Joffe, M., & Kosorok, M. R. (2014). University of Pennsylvania 6th annual conference on statistical issues in clinical trials: Dynamic treatment regimes (morning session). Clinical Trials, 11(4), 418–425.

  • He, W., Pinheiro, J., & Kuznetsova, O. M. (2014). Practical considerations for adaptive trial design and implementation. Springer.

  • Herzog, T., Anderson, K., Wang, J., & Xu, R. (2014). Model prediction of mean PFS and OS time from a phase II trial comparing vintafolide plus pegylated liposomal doxorubicin versus pegylated liposomal doxorubicin alone in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer patients with 100% folate receptor-positive target. Gynecologic Oncology, 133, 178–179.

  • Joseph, R. W., Elassaiss-Schaap, J., Wolchok, J. D., Joshua, A. M., Ribas, A., Hodi, F. S., Hamid, O., Robert, C., Daud, A., Hwu, W.-J., Kefford, R., Hersey, P., Weber, J. S., Patnaik, A., De Alwis, D. P., Perrone, A. M., Kang, S. P., Ebbinghaus, S., Anderson, K. M., & Gangadhar, T. C. (2014). Baseline tumor size as an independent prognostic factor for overall survival in patients with metastatic melanoma treated with the anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody MK-3475. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 32(15_suppl), 3015–3015.

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  • Zhou, J., Adewale, A., Shentu, Y., Liu, J., & Anderson, K. (2014). Information-based sample size re-estimation in group sequential design for longitudinal trials. Statistics in Medicine, 33(22), 3801–3814.


  • Anderson, K. M., Chan, I. S., & Li, X. (2012). An adaptive design for case-driven vaccine efficacy study when incidence rate is unknown. Statistics and Its Interface, 5(4), 391–399.

  • He, W., Kuznetsova, O. M., Harmer, M., Leahy, C., Anderson, K., Dossin, N., Li, L., Bolognese, J., Tymofyeyev, Y., & Schindler, J. (2012). Practical considerations and strategies for executing adaptive clinical trials. Drug Information Journal: DIJ/Drug Information Association, 46(2), 160–174.

  • Liu, Q., Li, G., Anderson, K. M., & Lim, P. (2012). On efficient two-stage adaptive designs for clinical trials with sample size adjustment. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 22(4), 617–640.


  • Rubin, E. H., Anderson, K. M., & Gause, C. K. (2011). The BATTLE trial: A bold step toward improving the efficiency of biomarker-based drug development. Cancer Discovery, 1(1), 17–20.


  • Anderson, K. M., & Clark, J. B. (2010). Fitting spending functions. Statistics in Medicine, 29(3), 321–327.

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  • Chen, Y. J., & Anderson, K. M. (2010). A “MiniPool” approach for combined phase IIB/III trial in patients with life-threatening disease: An application of the closed testing principle. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 2(1), 62–71.

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  • Gallo, P., Anderson, K., Chuang-Stein, C., Dragalin, V., Gaydos, B., Krams, M., & Pinheiro, J. (2010). Viewpoints on the FDA draft adaptive designs guidance from the PhRMA working group. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 20(6), 1115–1124.

  • Rubin, E. H., & Anderson, K. M. (2010). Finding the right dose for cancer therapeutics—can we do better? Clinical Cancer Research, 16(4), 1085–1087.


  • Gaydos, B., Anderson, K. M., Berry, D., Burnham, N., Chuang-Stein, C., Dudinak, J., Fardipour, P., Gallo, P., Givens, S., Lewis, R., et al. (2009). Good practices for adaptive clinical trials in pharmaceutical product development. Drug Information Journal, 43(5), 539–556.

  • Lupinacci, L., Anderson, K., Sun, L., & Tymofyeyev, Y. (2009). Novel phase i design for oncology research. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 27(15_suppl), 2517–2517.\suppl.2517



  • Anderson, K. M. (2007). Optimal spending functions for asymmetric group sequential designs. Biometrical Journal: Journal of Mathematical Methods in Biosciences, 49(3), 337–345.

  • Cohen, Y. C., Liu, K. S., Heyden, N. L., Carides, A. D., Anderson, K. M., Daifotis, A. G., & Gann, P. H. (2007). Detection bias due to the effect of finasteride on prostate volume: A modeling approach for analysis of the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 99(18), 1366–1374.


  • Chuang-Stein, C., Anderson, K., Gallo, P., & Collins, S. (2006). Sample size reestimation: A review and recommendations. Drug Information Journal: DIJ/Drug Information Association, 40(4), 475–484.

  • Gallo, P., Chuang-Stein, C., Dragalin, V., Gaydos, B., Krams, M., & Pinheiro, J. (2006). Adaptive designs in clinical drug development—an executive summary of the PhRMA working group. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 16(3), 275–283.


  • Liu, Q., Anderson, K. M., & Pledger, G. W. (2004). Benefit-risk evaluation of multi-stage adaptive designs. Sequential Analysis, 23(3), 317–331.


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  • Akkerhuis, K. M., Deckers, J. W., Lincoff, A. M., Tcheng, J. E., Boersma, E., Anderson, K., Balog, C., Califf, R. M., Topol, E. J., & Simoons, M. L. (2001). Risk of stroke associated with abciximab among patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. JAMA, 286(1), 78–82.

  • Anderson, K. M., Califf, R. M., Stone, G. W., Neumann, F.-J., Montalescot, G., Miller, D. P., Ferguson, J. J., Willerson, J. T., Weisman, H. F., & Topol, E. J. (2001). Long-term mortality benefit with abciximab in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 37(8), 2059–2065.

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  • Kereiakes, D. J., Lincoff, A. M., Miller, D. P., Tcheng, J. E., Cabot, C. F., Anderson, K. M., Weisman, H. F., Califf, R. M., & Topol, E. J. (1998). Abciximab therapy and unplanned coronary stent deployment: Favorable effects on stent use, clinical outcomes, and bleeding complications. Circulation, 97(9), 857–864.

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  • Lincoff, A. M., Tcheng, J. E., Califf, R. M., Bass, T., Popma, J. J., Teirstein, P. S., Kleiman, N. S., Hattel, L. J., Anderson, H. V., Ferguson, J. J., et al. (1997). Standard versus low-dose weight-adjusted heparin in patients treated with the platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antibody fragment abciximab (c7E3 Fab) during percutaneous coronary revascularization. The American Journal of Cardiology, 79(3), 286–291.

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