gsDesign: group sequential design
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Video - gsDesign: 15 Years of Development in 5 Minutes -
gsDesign Explorer: group sequential design web interface
rinpharma mirror | gsdesign mirror | Documentation
Video - The gsDesign Shiny app for clinical trial design (R/Pharma 2021) -
gsDesign2: group sequential design under non-proportional hazards
CRAN | GitHub | Documentation
simtrial: clinical trial simulation
CRAN | GitHub | Documentation
gMCPLite: lightweight graph-based multiple comparison procedures
CRAN | GitHub | Documentation
gMCPShiny: Shiny app for graphical multiplicity control
wpgsd: weighted parametric group sequential design
pkglite: compact package representations
CRAN | GitHub | Documentation
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My software has been applied and recognized in other software, publications, and research projects. Here are some highlights of how others have used them.
gsDesign Explorer book was referenced by the R package impart.
Protocol for the DISCHARGE trial
gsDesign was used to estimate sample size for a group sequential design.
Reverse Engineering the Statistical Analyses in the Moderna Protocol
gsDesign was used to replicate the trial design.
gsDesign was used to calculate sample size required to demonstrate efficacy and plot boundary crossing probabilities by effect size.
gsdmvn: group sequential design with non-constant effect (merged into gsDesign2 as of June 2023)