Translate group sequential design to integer events (survival designs) or sample size (other designs)
Translate group sequential design to integer events (survival designs) or sample size (other designs)
- x
An object of class
.- ratio
Usually corresponds to experimental:control sample size ratio. If an integer is provided, rounding is done to a multiple of
ratio + 1
. See details. If input is non integer, rounding is done to the nearest integer or nearest larger integer depending onroundUpFinal
.- roundUpFinal
Sample size is rounded up to a value of
ratio + 1
with the defaultroundUpFinal = TRUE
is a non-negative integer. IfroundUpFinal = FALSE
is a non-negative integer, sample size is rounded to the nearest multiple ofratio + 1
. For event counts,roundUpFinal = TRUE
rounds final event count up; otherwise, just rounded ifroundUpFinal = FALSE
. See details.
Output is an object of the same class as input x
; i.e.,
with integer vector for n.I
or gsSurv
with integer vector n.I
and integer total sample size. See details.
It is useful to explicitly provide the argument ratio
when a
object is input since gsDesign()
does not have a
in return.
ratio = 0, roundUpFinal = TRUE
will just round up the sample size
(also event count).
Rounding of event count targets is not impacted by ratio
Since x <- gsSurv(ratio = M)
returns a value for ratio
will round to a multiple of M + 1
if M
is a non-negative integer; otherwise, just rounding will occur.
The most common example would be if there is 1:1 randomization (2:1) and
the user wishes an even (multiple of 3) sample size, then toInteger()
will operate as expected.
To just round without concern for randomization ratio, set ratio = 0
If toInteger(x, ratio = 3)
, rounding for final sample size is done
to a multiple of 3 + 1 = 4; this could represent a 3:1 or 1:3
randomization ratio.
For 3:2 randomization, ratio = 4
would ensure rounding sample size
to a multiple of 5.
# The following code derives the group sequential design using the method
# of Lachin and Foulkes
x <- gsSurv(
k = 3, # 3 analyses
test.type = 4, # Non-binding futility bound 1 (no futility bound) and 4 are allowable
alpha = .025, # 1-sided Type I error
beta = .1, # Type II error (1 - power)
timing = c(0.45, 0.7), # Proportion of final planned events at interims
sfu = sfHSD, # Efficacy spending function
sfupar = -4, # Parameter for efficacy spending function
sfl = sfLDOF, # Futility spending function; not needed for test.type = 1
sflpar = 0, # Parameter for futility spending function
lambdaC = .001, # Exponential failure rate
hr = 0.3, # Assumed proportional hazard ratio (1 - vaccine efficacy = 1 - VE)
hr0 = 0.7, # Null hypothesis VE
eta = 5e-04, # Exponential dropout rate
gamma = 10, # Piecewise exponential enrollment rates
R = 16, # Time period durations for enrollment rates in gamma
T = 24, # Planned trial duration
minfup = 8, # Planned minimum follow-up
ratio = 3 # Randomization ratio (experimental:control)
# Convert sample size to multiple of ratio + 1 = 4, round event counts.
# Default is to round up both event count and sample size for final analysis
#> Time to event group sequential design with HR= 0.3
#> Non-inferiority design with null HR= 0.7
#> Randomization (Exp/Control): ratio= 3
#> Asymmetric two-sided group sequential design with
#> 90 % power and 2.5 % Type I Error.
#> Upper bound spending computations assume
#> trial continues if lower bound is crossed.
#> ----Lower bounds---- ----Upper bounds-----
#> Analysis N Z Nominal p Spend+ Z Nominal p Spend++
#> 1 31 0.07 0.5277 0.0141 2.83 0.0023 0.0023
#> 2 48 1.11 0.8673 0.0345 2.52 0.0059 0.0047
#> 3 69 2.00 0.9774 0.0514 2.00 0.0226 0.0179
#> Total 0.1000 0.0250
#> + lower bound beta spending (under H1):
#> Lan-DeMets O'Brien-Fleming approximation spending function (no parameters).
#> ++ alpha spending:
#> Hwang-Shih-DeCani spending function with gamma = -4.
#> Boundary crossing probabilities and expected sample size
#> assume any cross stops the trial
#> Upper boundary (power or Type I Error)
#> Analysis
#> Theta 1 2 3 Total E{N}
#> 0.0000 0.0023 0.0047 0.0159 0.0230 41.5
#> 0.4065 0.2863 0.3402 0.2762 0.9027 49.7
#> Lower boundary (futility or Type II Error)
#> Analysis
#> Theta 1 2 3 Total
#> 0.0000 0.5277 0.3439 0.1054 0.9770
#> 0.4065 0.0141 0.0345 0.0487 0.0973
#> T n Events HR futility HR efficacy
#> IA 1 15.22419 8624.502 31 0.680 0.217
#> IA 2 19.23447 9064.000 48 0.483 0.302
#> Final 24.19069 9064.000 69 0.401 0.401
#> Accrual rates:
#> Stratum 1
#> 0-16 566.5
#> Control event rates (H1):
#> Stratum 1
#> 0-Inf 0
#> Censoring rates:
#> Stratum 1
#> 0-Inf 0